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Business death by bad breath!

Don't let trivial (and completely preventable) things get in the way of your success!
by Brad Shorkend
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[ business owners take note ]

In the past few days I have on a handful of occasions literally run for cover to get out of the range of people with the most foul breath I have ever experienced, and this was all in my professional environment. 

I am aware that some people have medical problems and that's totally understandable (and should be addressed), but then there is good old "I just didn't brush my teeth" pong!... I experienced this on an airline (at check-in), in a restaurant (waiter), at a conference facility (tech guy), and a couple times more... business owners, fresh breath is a winner and if need be sponsor it! (Brad the business coach speaking).

In fact everyone, fresh breath is a winner! (Brad the human being speaking).